Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Reasonable Reaction.

It seems that President Duterte of the Philippines is a practical, if hard and profane man and Democrats are the Sam old emotional cripples who are hell bent on ignoring  realities no matter how ugly.

After a recent speech regarding his having declared martial law in southern Mindanao to fight the ongoing ISIS insurgency one would be Democrat inheritor by the name of Chelsea Clinton took exception to his saying that he would take personal responsibility for any misdeeds they might commit in what has essentially become a war zone.

When Chelsea reacted with the usual feminist, women's rights crap Duterte quickly responded by asking her where was her reaction when her father was "fucking Monica Lewinsky in the White House?"

As is to be expected of cowards Chelsea quickly ran away and the left is condemning Duterte as an "dangerous extremist". Nevermind the continued and increasing frequency, violence and depravity of the Islamic assault on Western Civilization, their tune never changes.

Unless and until these political elites find themselves directly suffering the consequences of their perfidious political correctness and appeasement they will continue to sell their souls for the hope of political power over the rest of us. They will continue to hide behind their gated walls and security details. Suffering and death is for us little people not the self important political and social elites.

Apparently President Duterte is not going to wait for ISIS to spread their violence further and is going to treat the insurgency for what it is, a war directed at the nation and people of the Philippines. The horrors of the fascist Japanese occupation is still within the living memory of many Philippinos. Why would they want to risk repeating that  horror story? I for one say good for him. No war has ever been won by talking to the enemy or appeasing them for cynical and partisan political gain.

As long as Europe's and our own political hacks, and that term is being gracious, continue down the path of appeasing the Islamic fascists they will only grow bolder and more barbaric. At our very peril these morons would have us forget that is the very definition of terrorism.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Connecting The Dots..

As my readers know I don't often post links to other writers work. The appointment of a special prosecutor​ is too important and Robert Gore has produced a piece that needs to be as widely read as possible. For the Democrats they had best be careful what they wish for. The murder of Seth Rich may well be the explanation for Hillary's email to Donna Brazil about them all being hanged. Please read it and pass it on.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

On Second Thought...

I recently post that I was going to start doing a daily or so running commentary on headlines as they occur. On second thought or thoughts, I have shelved this idea. At least or now.

Quite frankly the behavior of the left and their media front operations to assault President Trump have become both predictable and boring. Not that your typical leftist is in possession of much in the way of either critical thinking skills or a sense of irony. (Sadly this applies to many who think of themselves as conservative as well.)

I certainly haven't lost any of my enthusiasm for our President but I am becoming more and more convinced that the corruption of Washington DC is beyond being drained by any conventional means.

The corruption is simply to entrenched within the bureaucracies and the mental thought process of the vast majority of both the District's inhabitants, the establishments of both parties and indeed far, far to many Americans in general. I saw one comment that pretty much summed up my frustration; "I didn't vote for Ivanka or her husband."

Presidents are just to surrounded by courtiers with their own agendas and motives and dependent on these bureaucracies that are more concerned with keeping money flowing into their coffers than the direction or implementation of policy.

As much as I might hope that this light may be dawning in the President's head, I have seriously doubt there is much he can really do about it. Not with his daughter and son-in-law in his ear every day. Like it or not these forces are making JFK's prophecy come true; "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."

That leaves us with one alternative. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Stock up on God, gold, guns and grub. In the meantime, engage the enemy in the alternative media and be prepared to defend yourself from them in the physical realm as well. Berkeley was just the beginning. I fear that what's coming will be worse, much worse.