Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Back Into The Backyard.

February has been uncommonly warm, so there has been no excuse to not get started preparing the garden for planting and getting some exercise in the process. Time to stretch out the winter blahs.  After raking off the leaves and debris the first step was to get out the long handled shovel and turning everything over and getting down to the clay substrate. It took the better part of the day and three seperate sessions.

Things got packed pretty hard over the fall and winter.
The next step was to break everything up, getting out the rocks and sticks and roots. A good deal of screening was needed to get the finer pieces of roots and clumps of weeds separated out.

And I thought that just turning it over was hard work!

Nearly half a wheelbarrow of roots, mostly from
my neighbor's Elm trees.

Time then to spread out a couple of bags of processed cow manure and mix it in thoroughly. Makes for great tomatoes and veggies, not to mention a sore back.

With the garden beds all prepared, I then covered them up and repaired the fence to keep yard waste from accumulating and to keep a couple of big dogs out. Especially one Elwood who has a proven bad habit of stealing tomatoes and squash right off of the vine. 

It being only the end of February it would be foolish
not to expect another round of cold weather.
A hard freeze, freezing rain or snow are all possible.

The right bed is for tomatoes, about four varsities.
With the gardens all prepared I moved on to getting the seed planting beds in the greenhouse prepared as well. These both have heating coils in the bottom and covered with a thin layer of sand and landscaping fabric of its own. If necessary there is also space heater should it be needed.
The left bed is for starting peppers, cucumbers,
beans, squash and Mellon's.

Now all that remains is the waiting for the seeds, that have already been ordered to arrive, so the planting can begin! Here's hoping for a long and healthy growing season and a rich and bountiful harvest. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Straightforward From Here To The Left’s Fascist, Maybe Violent, Endgame

As my readers know I do not usually post verbatim from others people's work. This piece by Kurt Schlichter is any important exception.

Straightforward From Here To The Left's Fascist, Maybe Violent, Endgame.

By Kurt Schlichter

The Democrat Party, its Media serfs, and Social Justice Incorporated are all outraged because we uppity normals are again presuming to rule ourselves, and their agony is delightful. Less delightful is how, in the process of trying to claw their way back into power, they are incinerating the norms and rules that preserve our political order. That stuff Hillary babbled about honoring the legitimacy of elections? Yeah, no. There’s an invisible asterisk only liberals can see that explains that the norms and rules are void when liberals lose.

So, where does this crisis end?

We know where the leftists want it to end, with us silenced and subservient forever, toiling to pay taxes for them to redistribute to their clients as they pick at, poke at and torment us. You look at the things Trump stands for and all of them are about lifting the yoke off of us – cutting taxes, slashing regulations, guaranteeing the Second Amendment, protecting our religious liberty, and safeguarding us from terrorists and illegals. But everything liberals want, everything Hillary ran on, is about clamping the yoke ever tighter around our necks – raising taxes, issuing more regulations, disarming us, limiting our religious freedom, and putting us at risk from terrorists and alien criminals. The whole leftist platform is about putting us down and keeping us down.
Think what they will do if they take power again.

They are certainly not going to risk us ever being able to repeat November’s rejection. California’s decline lays out their tyrannical road map. When the Democrats took power here, they “reformed” the election laws to lock-in their party, co-opted the “nonpartisan” redistricting process, and changed the ballot initiative system to make sure we will never see another unapproved proposition. They ensured there is no way to stop illegal aliens from voting because they want illegal aliens voting.

But even that’s not enough. The state government chose to allow its unofficial catspaws to intimidate and beat dissenters at UC Berkeley. California’s governing class wanted the thugs to prevail; it was a lesson to its opponents. I thought my novel People’s Republic, about post-freedom California, was an action thriller, not the first draft of a future history.

I was wrong.

Do you think Hillary Clinton or whatever aspiring Hugo Chavez they offer up next is going to protect us from violent leftist thugs, or encourage them? Remember how Obama weaponized agencies like the IRS against conservatives? Multiply that by a thousand. Think about the “hate speech” rules used to silence conservatives on campus; imagine them as federal law. That’s coming, just like in Europe – it’s now a crime in France to speak out against abortion. Do you imagine leftists don’t dream of doing that? No, once back in power they will ensure we will never be able to challenge their rule. One man (or woman or other), one vote, one more time, then never again.
How will they do it?

This massive resistance campaign against everything Donald Trump has done and a lot he hasn’t done is one way. The media’s liberal advocacy and tsunami of fake news is another; the press is now just one more partisan political player campaigning to restore the establishment to power. These same liars who fantasize about Trump silencing critics will cheer as the next Democrat commandante does it for real. Remember how they said nothing when Democrats voted to repeal the First Amendment so Congress could control speech during elections?

And they think they’re winning.

Sally Kohn, a CNN commentator perfectly personifies the left’s combination of utter cluelessness and utter certainty in its own moral superiority. Drawing from her bottomless well of stupidity, she recently became infamous for wishcasting about what happens “[s]traight forward from here.” Her scenario starts with Step 1 (“Impeach Trump & Pence”) and ends with Step 6 (“President Hillary”), thanks to a Constitutional process she created herself by blending ignorance, fascism, and wanting.

Sally, however, overlooked Step 2.5, where several dozen million Americans defend the Constitution by taking out their black rifles and saying, “Oh, hell no.” I assume the patriots determined to protect the Union would be confronted, for a short and awkward time, by a pro-coup hipster army locked and loaded with vinyl LPs, participation trophies and unearned self-regard.

There’s no reason not to believe that for these seditious Democrats, the second time will be the charm.

But this amusing idiocy highlights a much more frightening possibility. Dennis Prager has written that America is locked in a Second Civil War already, albeit a cold one. And in light of the absolute rejection by the left of any legitimacy of the grievances, the interests, or the right to participate in governing this country of the tens of millions of red Americans, it’s reasonable to wonder how this can end peacefully. You see read it on social media, you hear it whispered. Are the wounds to our body politic so deep they can’t be healed?

I recently polled people on Twitter about what they thought of the chances of serious violence in the coming four years, and the results from 6,159 people are alarming. “Stop being a nut” got 10%; I was hoping it would get about 95%. “We’ll wise up” and find a way out of this crisis, got 13%. But “50/50 leftists may try violence” got a stunning 41%, while “It’s coming. Gear up” got a terrifying 36%.

So, 77% of the respondents fear serious violence during Trump’s first term. That’s scary, especially since political warfare is not unprecedented in history.

Forget Bleeding Kansas. Just reflect on the low-grade insurgency the American left undertook in the 1970s, with more bloodshed than most people remember, and consider how today the left has significantly more cultural, institutional and media support. The reality is that there is the potential for this to get out of control, way out of control, especially considering the likelihood that leftist violence would be met in kind. That 77% indicates that the red side is, as the left loves to say, “woke” to the threat. And the red people have the guns and training, should things degenerate into serious chaos.

Basically, this country is a powder keg, and leftist fools who do not understand the danger are figuratively standing around it, firing up their bongs.

Now, understand that leftist liars will meet this column with the slander that I (and by extension, you) hope for violence. Skim down the comments and check out the idiots no doubt infesting my Twitter feed – you’ll see plenty of such lies. Actually, this is yet another of my several pleas for sanity and peace (including in my book’s preface). But the left’s favorite tactic is to deny substantive truth in favor of narrative; what I (and you) actually believe is irrelevant. This infuriating tactic makes reasoned discussion and argument impossible anymore, which itself makes violence more likely since it forecloses the primary method of peacefully resolving disagreements. If you can’t argue, if you can’t even speak, there’s only one way to be heard.

The left’s combination of evil and stupidity is the driver straightforward from here. With the grim understanding that they hate us, we need to accept that there may be no easy return to peaceful coexistence. Our goal in electing Donald Trump was to remove the left’s hand from our throat, not to put our hand around blue peoples’ collective windpipe. We don’t care how they live their lives, but leftists care very much how we live ours. Their goal is to lock both hands around our throat and squeeze until we submit to leftist tyranny or die.
It’s hard to see how we compromise. Do we just somewhat submit, or only die a little?
This crisis has to culminate somehow. It could end peacefully, with a return to the old norms and reasoned competition between ideas. But it seems no one is interested in that; instead, one side has to win decisively, and one side has to lose decisively. If so, I say we win and they lose, since I’m not ready to submit or to die.

How about you?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Delusions Of The Left Have Grown To Textbook Insanity.

Several notable conservative commentators have over the years described liberalism as a mental disorder. Now we have definitive evidence that many of them are embracing their delusions as real. Unable to except the results of November's election they have created for themselves an alternative reality website where they can indulge their delusions and live in a fantasy world where Hillary really won the election. Just when I thought that these people couldn't possibly get any more pathetic, they find a way...And these same people say President Trump needs to "Get a grip."

See for yourself.   http://www.hillarybeattrump.org

Friday, February 17, 2017


And they wonder why ...

I stopped at a local McAlister's Deli this afternoon and encountered this Muslim family. Seeing this woman using the American flag as her hijab sent my blood pressure through the roof. I decided that I would bite my tongue and finish my lunch. 

Just as I was getting up to leave her children were running loose and as she chased them down I found myself face to face with her.

I had to speak and I told her, "I'm sure you think that that is some sort of fashion statement, but I find it highly offensive and tasteless." (Why not use their own methods against them)

She replied, "Well I'm sorry you feel that way."

I responded "No lady, what's sorry is that that you don't."

I had to leave quickly before she could again reply and I resorted to cussing her out as she so richly deserved.

And these people wonder why we don't want them here and hold them in such contempt. We're I a younger man I might have ripped it off her head and set it afire as any desecrated flag requires.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Playing With Matches In The Paint Locker Of History.

I recently received an email from the neocons at The Weekly Standard. The kind we've all seen making a pitch, to sell their phony conservative propaganda rag and contribute to Hillsdale College. The hook line was "Do you feel like your Constitutional rights are under attack?" If you've read my previous piece on, to put it mildly, what a low opinion I have of Bill Kristol, you will understand how the hubris of The Weekly Standard even asking that question pisses me off no end.

Bill Kristol. The American Brutus.
Yes our Constitutional rights are under threat, especially by neocon deep state front operations like Bill Kristol and The Weekly Standard which in its perspective has become all but synonymous with the likes of the Washington Post and the New York Times.

These people need to stop and think. By aligning themselves with the forces of the deep state at the CIA and the NSA they are seriously courting a coup d'tat and possibly even civil insurrection. Don't kid yourself about this. Not only is Kristol contemptuous of the American middle class but he just openly stated he prefers the machinations of the deep state over our constitutionally and democratically elected President. This borders on treason if not actually stepping over the line.

This isn't about Milo or even freedom of speech.
It's about spreading chaos and. uncertainty
in the minds of the American public.
Should we become involved in violent internal strife, be it caused by violent leftists funded by the likes of George Soros or a populist reaction to continuing illegal intelligence operations undermining the Presidency, the repercussions will reach far beyond our own shores. The worry isn't a dubious Russian threat in Eastern Europe. The real threat lies on the other side of the Pacific.

Just one of several of the Spratly
islands being transformed into
operational naval an air bases.
The Chinese haven't been building their military capabilities for decades just to throw fancy parades in Tiananman Square. Were there arise serious questions as to who is in charge in DC or how much actual control they have there will be almost no restraints on their ambitions. Taiwan will be in imminent peril as will the Singapore Straights and the oilfields of Sarawak and Bruni.  A single American Carrier Task Force in the Formosa Straights isn't going to stop them. Any quick examination of the air strike radius of their newly constructed bases in the Spratly Islands makes that more than apparent.

Only a fool would think that the Chinese have taken over operational control of the Panama Canal and numerous American and European ports simply for financial reasons. For God's sake the evenly openly warned of the possibility and their capability, to launch unprovoked attacks against American military targets less than two weeks ago. If there is anything the Chinese have learned from America's long war with Islamic Jihadists it's that our reaction times are hindered by bureaucracy and political correctness (the same failure as Vietnam) and most importantly that we don't take are enemies at their word.

Yes the machines of them deep state safe reaching
into every corner of government and private life.
Make no mistake George Soros is manipulating his colleges full of useful idiots, black lives matter and communist/anarchist shock troops towards the same goal as the neocon/deep state globalists and their propaganda outlets like The Weekly Standard: The final destruction of what is left of the American Republic and the establishment of an American empire of global hegemony. The problems are that the Chinese and others have no intention of playing along with their Orwellian dreams and that in their undermining the Republic they have so incumbered and weakened our in depth military capabilities that that aspect of there grandiose plan is little more than a hollow fantasy.

Yes the Russian actions in Ukraine, Crimea and the Caucuses are wrong and should be vigorously opposed on the diplomatic front. But vis a vis the Chinese, we should be looking towards cooperation with the Russians as an added counter balance to Chinese expansionism. And that is precisely what the deep state and their propagandists.  are afraid Trump will do and are desperate to stop.

Should China make a move against Taiwan, the oil fields of northern Borneo and to control the shipping lanes at Singapore because the US is in a state of political chaos there should be little doubt that a now nuclear armed North Korea would also strike out. Perhaps not with nukes but certainly with enough force to keep both South Korean and Japanese forces and the Americans stationed in that theater occupied enough to keep them from lending assistance anywhere else. The same might also be expected from the mad Mullahs of Iran closing the Straight of Hormuz and interrupting fully a third of the world's oil supply.

Think Dec. 7th on a global scale. The US at present could barely respond definitively on one front nevermind two or three. The international pressure would of course be to deal with the Persian gulf and the Chinese would cynically and gladly see Iran sacrificed if doing so left them in control of a new "East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere", and at the same time fully distract and occupy both the US and Russia. What part the Russians would play absent a closer relationship with the US can only be speculated at. They still have a bitter taste from the cost of maintaining an empire in central Europe and the part that Afghanistan played in the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the very least they might be expected to quickly move to take back the Baltics, Belorussia and Ukraine. How firm their commitment to Iran is open to question. Other than by air and across the Caspian Sea they have no direct supply lines to Iran.

Playing with matches in the paint locker can sink a
ship at sea and the ship of State right here's at home.
These assholes, be they the neocons at The Weekly Standard, the MSM and their various propaganda outlets, the leftist/anarchist tools and fools of George Soros or the deep state operatives in the intelegence agencies and elsewhere are playing with matches in the paint locker. In their boundless arrogance and lust for power they actually think that they and only they can control events. Their track record when it comes to the unintended consequences to their interventions into he politics of foreign states has been horrendous and deadly. Now they want to turn their deadly machines against the American Republic and its citizens.

They killed not the tyrant
but the Republic itself.
There is a confrontation coming in America and it's consequences could well be no less profound than the assassination of Julius Caesar. The elites at the center of Rome were no less desperate to maintain control of the politics and wealth of Rome than these fools at the center of power in Washington DC. What the Romans got for their hubris and greed was a civil war and a tyrant named Augustus, who proved  worse, than anything Caeser could have ever imagined.

Like it or not, for all its imperfections the United States remains the main obstacle to some very powerful and corrupt forces in this world. The question becomes will "We The People" sit back and let the last great hope of human freedom be similarly swallowed into tyranny and yet another war, and this time with very possible nuclear consequences?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

And Here We Have ... Another Outstanding Democrat

Corrine Brown. Another Democrat stealing from the poor.

Florida Democrat Corrine Brown was in court yesterday facing indictment for imbezzeling several hundred thousand dollars from a non-profit education charity, One Door for Education. The Congresswoman faces a 24 count indictment and one has to wonder how much she funneled into other Democrats pockets while she parties with Stretch Pelosi, rode on Air Force One with Obama and campaigned with Hillary. They will all no doubt claim they had no idea where she was getting all that money from. Or perhaps she was just trying to do Baltimore's Sheila "the shoe" Dixon one better.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Most Loathsome Creature.

Bill Kristol, fat smug worm suffering from
vindictive butthurt syndrome who thinks the
Republican party belongs to him and his
globalist RINO pals.
It comes as a surprise to no one that Bill Kristol over the course of election season has proven himself a sanctimonious self-important arrogant snob. Of all the dispicable "never Trump", neocons who think that they own the Republican Party he pronounced some of the most vile attacks, not just against Trump as a candidate but against his supporters as well. He even went so far as to attempt to recruit a third party candidate to carry the neocon banner fully cognizant that such a candidacy would guarantee Hillary Clinton's victory and the continuation of Deep State control of American government and finances. Anyone with more than two brain cell to rub together fully recognized that was his intent. Kristol envisions himself as the laterday incarnation of William F. Buckley Jr. Problem is he possesses not a bit of Buckley's vocabulary, intellect, warmth, charm or wit.

Now Kristol has been caught on video cruelly describing what is left of the beleaguered white middle class as "decadent, lazy and spoiled".

There are not enough words in the English language with which I can elucidate the loathing and contempt, the visceral revulsion that this ignominious, nauseating and pathetic excuse for an air breathing creature induces roiling within my gut. In fact, if tomorrow my Dr. were to diagnose me with an incurable disease which would kill me in short order I would have to seriously consider making my last act on God's good earth exterminating this vile creature with the most extreme prejudice imaginable and I would do so with no more remorse than I have in stepping on a cockroach.

Beyond that I would only hope that God would grant me enough time to make my own opening statement in my trial to inform the jury why what I had done was not a murder but the extermination of a deadly parasite, the spread of whose globalist poison was and is responsible for the destruction of untold millions of American lives. Destruction not just by robbing them of meaningful work but also by condemning many of them and their children to grinding poverty and dependence. I'd ask them to consider how many unemployed Americans, who had spent as much as a quarter of a century growing up, getting an education or learning a skill and starting a family, only to then be told they were no longer needed, they were no longer useful.

How many of these forgotten Americans have out of utter dispair committed suicide or resorted to crime and left their children orphaned by their death or incarceration because there were no more meaningful jobs to be had or they couldn't bear the humiliation of having their spouse and children watch them sink into depression or alcoholism or worse.

Then it would be up to them to balance the very real value of those lost and destroyed lives against that of a talking cockroach. A so-called "man" who regarded even them as "decadent, lazy and spoiled". Who felt that their lives and their children's lives are worth nothing more than fodder to be fed into the gaping maw of global corporatism, so that his friends and sponsors at the banks and on Wall Street may grow their profits while they the jury and their friends and neighbors get charged outrageous fees for the privilege of having a checking account.  While their savings, if they have any left, earns but a fraction of a single percent while at the same time they lobby their bought and paid for Congressmen to do away with all cash transactions so the banks can suck another 2% out of the revenue stream while robbing them with inflation. After all they need the money to buy even more disreputable vermin journalists and politicians.

May the Lord forgive me. He tells us not to hate but this piece of excrement stretches human restraint to its very limits if not beyond. I can't possibly be the only person who has a similar revultion to this scumbag's remarks and actions.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Fourth Turning And The Consequences Of Deliberate Miseducation.

What they seek should
be self-explanatory.
left has become so deluded and so completely obsessed with Donald Trump that they actually think that fomenting a military coup de'tat to remove him would have some sort of good consequences for them and the nation. First we heard from egotistical moonbat Rosie O'Donnel calling for martial law. Now we've got alleged comedian Sarah Silverman and others openly calling for a coup.

Before we get into the dangers of what they are trying to accomplish we have to first get past the absurdity of an American military coup.  The notion that if the upper echelons of the military did come to such a conclusion, that they could convince unit commanders and the rank and file officers and NCOs to go along with it, is equally absurd.

The biggest absurdity of all is the assumption that if such an event were to occur the military would then simply relinquish power to either the establishment left or to these deranged morons. These obvious delusions stem of course from the persistent and deliberate miseducation of the last 70 years that fascism is a product of the political right, rather than the left. This false notion blinds them to the reality that the political left has made a fatal mistake by aligning themselves with both radical communists and violent anarchists and thinking they can control them as the chaos unfolds. This insanity is exemplified by black Congresswoman Val Demings of Florida who said that the Berkeley riots were "a beautiful thing." That this woman was at one time a police officer before going into politics makes her pronouncement that much more demented and vile. It is clearly driven by hatred, racial, political or otherwise.

The Nazis weren't the first to burn books.
 They won't be the last.
"Where they burn books they will end burning
human beings."
Heinrich Heine, German poet 1820
The list of ironies is almost endless. What started with angry shouting and cream pie throwing at Ann Coulter's events has devolved from throwing words to throwing bricks, setting fires and outright physical assaults. I fully expect that once Milo Yiannopoulos's book "Dangerous" is released, that we will see book burnings on more than one college campus. I'll even go out on a limb here and predict that they will break into campus and other bookstores and steal them for their pyres. I also fully expect any comparisons to Nazi book burnings to be completely lost on these fools and uncommented on by the establishment media. Mark Twain's old adage that "History doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme." will be completely and deliberately forgotten.

At this point we don't see any of the leadership of the Democrat party or the establishment media openly calling for more of these violent riots, but neither do we hear them unequivocally condemning them for what they are, unadulterated, pure and naked, fascism. The likes of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the media apologists honestly think they can use these radical, violent elements to their purposes. No differently than the German establishment thought they could control Hitler and his SA. They will continue to put the likes of committed communists like Van Jones and Michael Moore forward as so called voices of reason.

By the time the political left comes to realize what kind of monsters they really are, it will be to late. The violence will grow out of control and mere beatings will have turned to deliberate and bloody murder. And when that happens State, local and Federal agencies will have no choice but to respond with extreme measures of their own. The surpression and arrest of violent fascists and anarchists will then of course be met with cries of "See we told you they are fascists!"

Although the Supreme Court has ruled that certain acts, such as burning the flag, may constitute free speech, there is more than then a little perspective and distance between burning flags or draft cards to burning cars and private property. As has been said the sphere of your freedom of action ends where my nose begins. Problem is these fascists don't care about your rights or anybody else's.

Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis was long the advocate for working people.  He penned many an opinion promoting free speech and man's inherent right to it. But he also wrote, "No danger flowing from speech can be deemed clear and present unless the incidence of the evil apprehended is so imminent that it may befall before there is an opportunity for full discussion. Only an emergency can justify repression."

If there is anything that the radical communists and anarchists have demonstrated by their actions it is that they have no interest in full and open discussion and that they are eager to bring about the kind of emergency that will require the very repression they claim to fear and seek to prevent.

Like all collectivists from the past, there is no lie they won't tell, no fraud or deceit they won't commit. For them the desired ends of chaos and totalitarian collectivism justifies whatever means they choose, no matter how much or who's blood is spilled in the process. For them there are no moral underpinnings, only the desire for power, control and the destruction of their enemies.

We had best take them at their word.
We had best take them at their word and prepare ourselves for locally based communist and anarchist violence and the very distinct possibility that these violent elements will align with both internal and external Mexican drug gangs opposed to the construction of the wall on our southern border and also wish to reassert Mexican claims to the American southwest. What they call Azatlan.  Add in the great uncertainty of another economic crash far deeper than 2008 and the violent blood thirsty 7th century death cult of Islam that equally seeks the destruction of Western civilization, American culture, and capitalism as we know it and you have the makings of a military, political and human crisis deeper than even a combination of the American Civil War, the Great Depression and World War II. The spectre of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of groups who possess no moral constraints should frighten anyone whatever their previously claimed political orientation. This fourth turning will be upon us with lightening speed that few can even imagine, and fewer still will be prepared for.

Those opposed to this 21st century fascist revival will obviously have the support of the vast majority of the American military and their logistical support operations as well as that of the more rational elements of the Democrat party. But the enemy will have some of their own as described above.

Their willingness to shed blood in pursuit of their goals has been demonstrated. We best be prepared to first petition and demand that the instruments of government be brought to bear to protect us from these spearhead attacks by violent enemies of every thing our nation stands for.  Should it fail to adequately do so, we should arm ourselves to that end. These kind of vermin only stop their assaults and destruction when they themselves are either destroyed or their will to continue is destroyed. They can no more be reasoned with than a Hitler, a Stalin or a Pol Pot.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Springing The Trap

So far President Trump has brought down the price of the F35, he's brought down the price of the new Air Force One. If he succeeds in applying pressure to Big Pharma, even marginally his public reputation as someone who get things done and keeps the promises he made on the campaign trail, the more difficult it will become for the Democrats to obstruct either his nominations or policy initiatives.

It should be fully expected that at some time in the not to distant future President Trump will hold a prime time press conference and outline what he has accomplished, however marginal in reality, and what he hasn't. He will then lay blame for lack of progress in specific areas squarely on the heads of the Congressional Democrats. He will then ask his supporters to directly contact their Democrat Congressman and Senators, especially those Representatives in vulnerable districts and Senators up for re-election in 2018.

Having already out manuvered the left on the 501 (3)(c) front and given the fierceness of they loyalty of his supporters Democrats can expect that their snail mail and email in boxes to get jammed and their office switch boards to get flooded thing call from angry constituents.

Good luck to them in resisting that kind of pressure. Oh Chuck U Schumer will come out and make teary eyed pleas about some allegedly damaged family from Syria and Nancy "stretch" Pelosi will babble incoherently about "Astro turf" to be sure. Given that politician's first instinct is that of self-preservation it's not had to figure which side of the balance they will come down on if they have to choose between party loyalty and keeping their flat bottoms in Congressional chairs.

In tennis it's called "game, set, match".