Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Ignoring History's Lessons

 When there is a hostile group of people within a society who have openly declared that another group within that same society is their enemy and that their unilateral declaration gives them the authority to kill you and destroy your way of life and there is no agency of the government created by that society as a whole that they have not corrupted to their purposes that is willing to intervene, what choice do you have but to defend yourself?

There are four important and immutable lessons of history that these leftist would have the world ignore.

1. Public opinion on issues is a pendulum and must be allowed to freely swing back and forth in it's natural arc. It's only restraints being common recognition of equal rights to personal self-direction and reasonable laws created in the course of open and public debate.

But when one side has seized that pendulum in defiance of those restraints and pulls it too far in it's desired direction and ignores it's natural desire to return to center then  those natural forces pulling it back can and will only grow stronger and weightier.

2. This is evidenced by the fact that history has proven that you can't kill an idea and even trying to do so only strengthens it and adds yet more weight and counterforce to the aforementioned pendulum.

3. People have an innate desire to be free. To be left alone to raise their families among other family and like minded people, free of government telling them what to do, how to do it, when to do it and extorting taxes from them that are used to create instruments of state that are used to force them to comply against their will.

If these leftists hate the MAGA movement they had best look in the mirror. For it is a movement born out of their hubris in violating of these immutable historical precedents.

This of course brings us to rule number 4. Such hubris and arrogance in destroying and suppressing the rights of others who simply want to be left alone can and will explode into resistance and then violence that will  go far beyond any of their imaginations of control.

Imperialists and socialists of every stripe have tried over and over across the centuries and each successive attempt becomes shorter and shorter as the will and the technology to subvert them grown larger and more accessible. But then that's another lesson of history isn't it?

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