The URL of this blog comes from a no longer published newspaper from my old home town in Massachusetts. "The Evening Chronicle" was owned and published by an old family friend and long time leader of the Republican Party from the Roosevelt Administration through the Eisenhower Administration, Joseph W. Martin Jr. I hope you all enjoy what you find here.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Kabuki Theater on the Potomac.
I find it amusing if not tragically hilarious to watch the dancing fools in Washington argue over their competing non-solution solutions the the pending fiscal cliff. That latest load of scat is that we should raise taxes now and cut spending later and all "new" revenue will be directed to paying down the debt and or reducing the deficit. Gee where have we heard this before? Oh that's right, only every single time we have one of these budgetary kabuki dances.
Unfortunately there are a majority of Americans who either don't care, have absolutely no idea of the vastness of the numbers involved or are so ideologically hidebound (left or right), that all they care about is political power positioning and not economic reality, that they can't see never mind conceive that there is no solution. At least not within the constructs that created the mess in the first place, namely Keynesian economics and fiat currency central banking.
So the dance will continue right up to the so-called deadline and then we will get an announcement of some "grand bargain" wherein both sides will claim victory over the other in the more taxes/less spending argument and that real progress has been made in resolving the country's economic woes. Everything will be declared as "fixed," markets will soar, the FED will print even more monopoly money and the sound of the can rattling down the road to inevitable disaster will be drowned out in all the applause from the know nothing pundits and back slapping self-congratulation of the politicians.
Except of course nothing will have been fixed in the least no matter which "side" prevails in these all for show negotiations. Creating more new debt to pay off old debt and then adding new-new debt on top of the pile has never worked on any economic scale, be it micro or macro or anywhere in between. This is nothing more than the same foolishness we see playing out in Europe where each new month we see yet another "summit meeting" followed by another solution and another declaration that the problem is fixed. It's all the "Little Boy Who Cried Wolf" writ large. I'm reminded of the Governor's board meeting meeting from "Blazing Saddles." "Hey I dind't get a loud enough harumph out of that guy!"
Tragically it's not like there aren't more than a few politicians in Washington that understand the truth of what I've said here it just that they are either more concerned with re-election than reality or they are scared to death of the financial elites who pull their strings and fund their campaigns. So the likes of Ron Paul and others are left to preach in the wilderness.
So before we go any further lets look at the simple math of the situation. Our present debt is some $16.3 Trillion (it grows by tens of billions every month). Now let's imagine so so-called "best case" scenario of a "grand bargain" wherein the Democrats get to raise taxes by some $100 billion over ten years, (They use ten years to try and make people think there are actually looking ahead but any fool knows that with each new year the last years deal is the first thing thing goes out the window) and the Republicans get to cut spending by another $200 billion over ten years. (It won't be a real cut but a decrease in the rate of growth but that's just another inside the beltway absurdity.) But for the sake of this argument lets call it an actual cut.
So then we take these ten year numbers and reduce them to an annualized figure. We now have $10 Billion in "new" revenue and $20 Billion in cuts. Now we simply divide the total debt of $16.3 Trillion by the combined new revenues and cuts of $30 Billion. (After dropping off all the over lapping zeros this comes to 16,300 divided by 30 = 5,433.33, the number of years it would take to pay off JUST THE EXISTING DEBT. If that number begins to open your eyes just a little to the absurdity of it all now consider that none of these numbers include the interest due on this debt or the fact that Congress will keep adding another $1.1 Trillion, at least, to the existing debt each year.
The US of course is not operating in some vacuum here. The European situation is on par in terms of over all numbers as ours, they're just closer to the end of the road than we are. Japan is a basket case with the highest debt to GDP ratio in the world. Their only saving grace right now is that the largest part of their debts are held internally and not just to their central bank.
What is unsustainable is unsustainable but our politicians and their banking masters are determined to sustain this mess right to the bitter end, determined that whatever final reckoning comes will be as disastrous as possible so we can then be told that this is a failure of capitalism not the central planning methods that brought it about. More power and more control to the center and less freedom and less liberty for the individual. Digested down to a single word TYRANNY.
These politicians aren't in the least bit afraid of any popular rebellion or any secession movement. They are scared to death of the bankers. Unless and until that changes (part and parcel to the false left vs. right pardigm) the future looks grim and 2013 will not be a "good" year.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Pagans Dance In The Blood Of The Innocent.
What we have had on display for the last few days has been
nothing less than the wide assortment of vile fascist control freaks dancing in
the blood of the innocent victims of the atrocity in Newtown Connecticut. The bodies of the dead had not even been
identified before the leftist twitterverse exploded in calls for blood
vengeance against the NRA and anyone associated with it or the defense of the 2nd amendment. Closely following if not in tandem came the
calls for disarming the American public.
Nowhere of course was there any discussion from the left
that connected any legally possessed firearm with this tragedy. Nor was there any discussion of how disarming legal
owners, and most certainly uninvolved citizens, will prevent criminals from
committing crimes.
None of this of course has anything top do with mourning
thee dead or sympathy for the grief of their families. It was all about furthering the fascist
agenda of destroying the 2nd amendment to the Constitution.
Anyone and everyone who dared speak out in any public forum
in defense of their 2nd amendment rights has been immediately
vilified as heartless and uncaring for the loss of the victims and their
families, as if the two were by definition mutually exclusive.
How quickly these great “humanists,” who shed crocodile
tears over the dead children in Connecticut are to dismiss the existence of any
humanity in those they perceive as the enemies of their political agenda. No moral person can be anything but shock and appalled by these
events. That most of the victims were
children so young makes it all the more shocking. We all mourn, as individuals
and as a nation, for the families of the dead.
So I can only ask these great “humanists” where are their tears for the
thousands of innocent children slaughtered in the womb every single day. Are they anything if not even more innocent
than the children of Newtown? Are they
any less dead? How exactly are they
any less deserving of our grief?
Lets look at the facts here. This heinous act was committed by a criminal (I won't dignify him by repeating his name) bent on
slaughter. Connecticut has some of the
strongest gun control laws in the nation.
Among them being that no person under 21 years of age can legally
possess a firearm. He couldn’t have
purchased a weapon even if he tried.
Before even the first shot was fired at the school a string
of felonies was committed.
He stole his mother’s weapons.
He murdered her.
He stole her car.
He took loaded firearms onto school grounds.
So since when have criminals cared about any laws? No law no mater how strict or rigidly
enforced would have stopped this sick mind for a single second. Where is the responsibility of those who have turned our schools and public places into "free fire zones" for criminals by declaring them "gun free zones"?
Of course none of these facts or questions will stem the calls for
even more blood from the left. Nor will
it stop their dancing in the blood of those already slaughtered to further a dangerous and misguided political agenda. Nor will it lead them to
any remorse or even second thoughts for the blood of the thousands of aborted dead that is already on
their hands by their silent acquiescence.